XR OBSESSION New Media Performing Art 《XR迷》新媒體藝術作品

XR 《Obsession》New Media Performing Art

Is it chaos or obsession? In a dream, someone searches for her thousands of times, going into the mountains and out to sea; seeing mountains that are not mountains and water that is not water. It is impossible to find one’s way out of this illusionary maze! Exactly who is the object of this obsession? Who is the reason for getting lost in this maze? Is there a way back or will there be a fall into an abyss? Life is like a dream. Life is like an obsession. Is every pursuit ultimately empty?

Through music and art, legendary tales are told and phenomenal sceneries come alive. We want performing art to be fun, different, and attractive. Through new interactive experiences, we successfully opened the eyes of visitors to new possibilities.

XR Obsession (Extended Reality) integrates a live performance with augmented, virtual, and mixed realities to mesmerize the audience (XR =AR+VR+MR). It is a performing, conceptual, kinetic, digital, video, abstract, and performance art. It vividly traverses Taiwan history, art, and natural beauty through time and space. The beautiful ancient landscape paintings of Houei-Kuen Chen were brought to life. Dynamic volumetric capture fuses with 3D animation. A live performance blends with AR/VR realms and is projected on a large LED wall for all to enjoy a new exciting immersive XR experiences.

The viewers are also the participants, adding a new fun factor. As in “Alice in the wonderland”, the journey in curiosity, imagination, and adventure is what we delivered. On top of that, we provided a musical alternate reality experience without the need for AR/VR headsets. 

XR Obsession was written and the music was composed by Chia-Hui Lu.  Chai-Hui was the curator for the Egret Foundation and she debuted XR Obsession at Art Taipei with technological support from Po-Yu Wong’s iF+ team. 

New media technology art X Abstract music X Outstanding choreography X Changing visual effects are sure to stimulate the senses!  

XR《迷》 新媒體藝術作品

多媒體科技藝術 X 抽象的音樂 X 精采的舞蹈 X 變幻的視覺,多重加乘,衝擊感官!


XR「迷」,入選獎助參加文化部IP內容實驗室計畫,由白鷺鷥基金會策劃,藝術總監盧佳慧編劇、譜曲,邀請當若科技藝術製作,結合美術、舞蹈、音樂及科技,運用4D Views最新環狀容積錄影技術,掃描鋼琴及舞者之影像,將元老畫家陳慧坤之能高瀑布、野柳和玉山等作品立體動畫製成場景,受邀於Art Taipei台北國際藝術博覽會「印象台灣」公益展之開幕首演,現場Live鋼琴演出時,把觀眾和現場鋼琴表演與虛擬製作影像同步融合,虛實穿插,共構整合之呈現,稱之為XR延展實境(XR=VR虛擬實境+AR擴增實境+MR混合實境),屬新媒體表演藝術!榮獲DNA 巴黎設計比賽互動獎!

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